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Rutgers University proudly supports students throughout their educational journeys, including as alumni. The dedicated team at the Distinguished Fellowship Office not only has a comprehensive list of offerings, but they also offer full-service advising for the variety of competitive awards available to support students from all academic levels and recent alumni interested in studying, researching, or gaining professional experience abroad. Interested students can meet with an expert fellowship advisor or schedule an introductory conversation with a SEBS OGE advisor to learn about the different opportunities available.
Below is an abbreviated list of international programs with a STEM focus. For a full list of opportunities and requirements, please visit the Office of Distinguished Fellowships.
Fellowship and Graduate Studies
American-Scandinavian Foundation:
Those interested in research associated with Scandinavian culture or regionality are encouraged to apply for funding from the American-Scandinavian Foundation (AFS). Designed to support educational exchange, fellows can explore the unique environment of Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sámpi, or Sweden while engaged in study, research, or creative projects. This fellowship is open to currently enrolled graduate students or professionals and can be applied to team projects. Fellowships can range from 1-3 months or up to one year. Graduate students conducting dissertation research are highly encouraged to apply. Please review the organization’s website for a full list of criteria and deadlines.
Churchill Scholarship:
This scholarship program was designed at the behest of Sir Winston Churchill to promote academic mobility between the U.S. and the U.K. Today, potential fellows can be nominated by their university to pursue one of only 18 open positions to participate in a one-year master’s study in an eligible STEM field. Of specific interest to SEBS students include biological sciences, biochemistry, plant biology, earth sciences, medical sciences, veterinary sciences, and zoology. Applications are submitted online through the Office of Distinguished Fellowships. See the Churchill Scholarship website for more information.
DAAD RISE Fellowships:
This summer research internship is open to currently enrolled sophomores and juniors interested in STEM fields. Awardees will have the opportunity to spend their summer interning under the supervision of doctoral students and researchers from German Universities of Applied Sciences. They will assist with research projects while receiving a monthly stipend to cover daily expenses. Students should schedule an appointment with a Distinguished Fellowship advisor and can apply directly through the DAAD website. Graduate students are also eligible for the DAAD RISE Professional grant.
DAAD Study and Research Scholarships:
Students who are interested in pursuing a full course of graduate studies in Germany can apply to the prestigious DAAD Study Scholarship. Students in their final year of undergraduate education are eligible to apply and should start by scheduling an appointment with a Distinguished Fellowship advisor. Graduate students interested in pursuing a joint research project or other fellowships should meet with their academic advisor and schedule an appointment with an OGE advisor.
Fulbright U.S. Student Program:
These grants are designed to support the professional and academic development of recent bachelor’s degree recipients, master’s candidates and recipients, and doctoral candidates in approximately 150 countries. Grants are broken up into two categories, English Teaching Assistance (ETA) and Research, Academic Study, Community Service, or Artistic Performance (Study/Research). Grants generally last up to one academic year in length and include round-trip transportation to the host country, standard financial maintenance based on local cost of living, and limited health coverage. Undergraduate students should contact the Office of Distinguished Fellows to start an application and graduate students should contact Assistant Dean Teresa Delcoroso-Ellmann. See the Fulbright U.S. Student Program website for more information.
Gates Cambridge Scholarship:
This prestigious scholarship affords the awardee all expenses associated with a full course of graduate study and research at Cambridge University. Scholarships range from one to three years with a chance to extend for a fourth year. Applicants must apply to Cambridge and the Gates Cambridge Scholarship simultaneously. There is no separate application process. Students who have been accepted by Cambridge will automatically be considered for the scholarship. Review all eligibility criteria with an advisor from the Office of Distinguished Fellowships.
Gillman International Scholarship Program:
This program supports traditionally under-represented students, including students with high financial need, in their study abroad pursuits. Students from STEM fields, who identify as underrepresented ethnic backgrounds, and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The program further looks to promote non-traditional study destinations outside of Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. For students interested in German study abroad, please consider the Gilman—DAAD Germany Scholarship with similar criteria. Applicants must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant to be eligible. Review all criteria and meet with a Study Abroad advisor, and OGE advisor, or a Distinguished Fellowship advisor to apply. See the Gillman International Scholarship Program website for more information.
Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship:
This program promotes opportunities for individuals who identify as women in science irrespective of race, religion, nationality, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or age. The program supports grants of up to 12 months for both local and global research conducted by graduate students or early career (assistant professor level) faculty. More information can be found on the organization’s website.
Global Health Corps:
Founded in 2009, the Global Health Corps seeks to build a diverse community of health equity leaders committed to realizing health as a human right. The do this through leadership programming that supports the development of emerging healthcare professionals in both the U.S. and Sub-Sharan Africa. Candidates from the U.S. will have the opportunity to commit to equitable healthcare access within their own communities while also developing skills to become a global leader. Fellowships last for 12 months and include a hybrid learning community with both in-person retreats and virtual programming. Travel, lodging, and most meals are included in the fellowship for all in-person programming. Interested candidates should be between the ages of 21-30, live and have work authorization in the United States, and have at least 6 months experience working in a non-clinical public health setting. For more information, please review the organization’s website.
Humanity in Action Fellowship:
While not strictly STEM focused, this fellowship allows participants the opportunity to explore the intersection of leadership development and community engaged outreach. Fellows will participate in a three-week immersive study, which will be followed by the implementation of an independently designed, community based action project. Previous fellows have created projects encompassing UN Sustainability Goals, healthy community-based living, science communication, environmental law, clean water initiatives, and many more. The program is open to currently enrolled or recent undergraduate and graduate students. Information about the program and applicant criteria can be found on the organization’s website.
Marshall Scholarship:
Developed in 1953, this scholarship was designed to strengthen the enduring relationship between the U.S. and the U.K. The scholarship is awarded to 40 scholars each year to fund a full course of master’s level study at any U.K. institution in any field of study. Applications can be found on the organization’s website.
Mitchell Scholarship:
Established by George J Mitchell in 1998, this scholarship was designed to consolidate existing relations between the U.S. and Ireland for a better future. This scholarship is awarded to 12 candidates each year and supports one year of master’s level study in any discipline offered by an institution of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland. This scholarship provides tuition, housing, and living stipends. Applicants must receive an endorsement by the Office of Distinguished Fellowships to be considered.
Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship:
This scholarship is ideal for students interested in pursuing careers in international development through the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Students are eligible for two years of graduate studies, internship support, and professional development activities. Applicants should be in their final year of study at Rutgers with an interest in such global challenges as mitigating hunger, the climate crisis, disease, and environmental degradation. More information is available through the Office of Distinguished Fellowships or through the organization’s website.
Rhodes Scholarship:
Like the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, the Rhodes Scholarship is an exclusive opportunity to gain funding for graduate level studies in the U.K., specifically at Oxford. The award can be applied to up to three years of study at Oxford university and will pay all tuition, fees, and some personal allowances. Thirty-two scholarships are awarded each year to U.S. citizens and are distributed according to geographic districts. Future scholars can apply through either their home state or through New Jersey as their academic residence, though it is recommended to apply through their home region. Applications require an institutional endorsement from Rutgers. Schedule an appointment with the Distinguished Fellowship Office for more information and to review all eligibility requirements.
Rotary Global Scholarship:
Rotary District 7475, which is inclusive of Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren counties, annually awards one applicant a 4-year scholarship of $30,000 per year to pursue graduate level courses or research outside of the U.S. The mission of the Rotary Foundation is to advance international understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, education/literacy, alleviation of poverty, and work on environmental issues. If you live or study in any of the above listed Counties and would like to pursue graduate level opportunities abroad that meet the mission of Rotary International, please contact Sharan Jain from the District 7475 Global Scholarship Committee. Please carefully review all criteria through the Office Distinguished of Fellowships, including the seven focus areas of the Rotary International, in advance of meeting with affiliated representative. See the Rotary Global Scholarship website for more information.
Work or Volunteer Experiences
AIF Banyan Impact Fellowship:
This immersive bi-national volunteer service program facilitates exchange and collaboration between the U.S. and India. The program is designed to shape the next generation of leaders committed to positive and sustainable change. Volunteer opportunities include placements with communities and organizations to support projects linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals including thematic areas in education, public health, livelihoods, social inclusion, minority rights, Dalit and tribal rights, climate justice, LGBTQ+ rights, gender, arts, sports, CSR, and many others. Applications can be submitted directly through the organization’s website. See the AIF Banyan Impact Fellowship website for more information.
Cultural Vistas—IAESTE Program:
This professional internship program is for upper-level students and recent graduates in STEM fields; undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Pronounced “eye-ess-tay,” the program is administered by Cultural Vistas in the U.S., a non-profit organization supporting international exchange, with local IAESTA offices in a variety of global locations. All applicants must be proficient in English, but U.S. citizenship is not required. Interested individuals can find more information and apply through the organization’s website. Currently enrolled students who secure an internship are also eligible for the AvanO Endowed Scholarship through the Office of Global Engagement to help offset any incurred expenses. Schedule an appointment with an OGE advisor to learn more. See the Cultural Vistas—IAESTE Program website for more information.
Peace Corps:
The Peace Corps is a U.S. Government organization that sends volunteers abroad for two years of service with the goal of spreading democratic values and supporting the development of local regions. Volunteers gain valuable experience working with global communities on pressing challenges for our futures. Peace Corps fellows can work with local communities on projects addressing global health, climate-smart agriculture, economic development, and much more. Interested students can schedule an advising appointment with The Rutgers University Peace Corps Campus Recruiter to learn more about the opportunity and how to get started. Returned Peace Corps Volunteers are further eligible for the Peace Corps Coverdell Fellowship to support their graduate studies upon returning from their service, and Rutgers SEBS is a partner institution. Schedule an appointment with an OGE advisor for more information.
Designed for the more adventurous student, recent graduate, or young professional WWOOF provides participants with the opportunity to volunteer on a wide range of sustainable, organic farms around the world. Participants can expect a cooperative living experience with a host family while learning about agro-ecological and sustainable farming methods. Participants will be expected to work on the farm and build a lasting relationship with their host families. No money is exchanged between WWOOFers and the hosts. Volunteers participate in a variety of daily activities including planting, harvesting, animal care, composting, and much more. Check out the WWOOF website for more information and to learn how to apply.
Teaching Abroad
Teaching abroad offers recent graduates an opportunity to explore the world while gaining valuable skills and, on most occasions, a modest income. Most opportunities are to teach English, though there may be some flexibility depending on location, licensure requirements, and program expectations. Please review the information provided on each organization’s website and schedule an appointment with an OGE advisor for specific questions and assistance.
- CIEE Teach Abroad
- English Program in Korea (EPIK)
- Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships (Must apply through Office of Distinguished Fellowships)
- Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
- Language Corps/Maximo Nivel (multi-destination)
- Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)
- Teach Away (multi-destination)
- Teach Thailand Corps (TTC)
- UCETAM English Language Assistants in Spain
- Universidad de Alcalá – Teach and Learn in Spain
- USTA Austria – Fulbright Program